Monday, May 24, 2010

A Tall Ask

There seem to me to be two 'tall asks' in relation to this course on reflective learning.

A course about reflective learning seems to require slow (or slower) posting and slow blogging than you might otherwise expect. I first came across the idea of slow blogging a couple of years ago when I read Chris Lott's blog. But there is a tension in a short course about reflective learning (four weeks) between having enough time to reflect and post to a blog or journal and the time limitation of the course. This is the fourth time I have worked on this course and I struggle myself to post to my blog within the time frame - so what does that say to the course participants.

The other 'tall ask' relates to openness. In Week 3 of the course, participants are required to post a piece of reflective writing and the intention (from the course design) is that this is a personal reflection. But in a course of only four weeks, there is scarcely time to build up the trust levels required for such disclosure. For some participants, who are used to working online, they will have become accustomed to the level of openness required, but for others this will be a most uncomfortable process, which I, for one, have in the past avoided.

I think this blog post of my online colleague Matthias Melcher explains the associated difficulties far better than I could.

Source of image:

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